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Dirty Little Secret #1

Burnout is a Tried and True
path to Leadership
for Physicians

In this video we will show you why up to 70% of physician leaders take their leadership position for all the wrong reasons.

Watch Your Email for the next Dirty Little Secret Video Lesson


You can Bypass all 5 of these Dirty Little Secrets!

Let us give you the Skills and Support to become a true Servant Leader and an Effective Wellness Champion for Your People.

At the Quadruple Aim Physician Leadership Retreat

April 25 - 28, 2024 ~ LIVE on ZOOM
No Travel Hassles or Expense


CLICK HERE for the Complete Retreat Overview


Learn 3 Levels of Wellness Tools
- for You
- for Your Teams
- for your Entire Organization

In three days, we will share everything we have learned working with hundreds of physician leaders at all levels in all sizes of healthcare organizations. These are the essential skills of building a culture of support and engagement -- without burning yourself out in the process.


  • 31 CME Credits

  • 8 weeks of comprehensive follow up support so you hit the ground running

  • 5 ways to SAVE up to $1000 on Your Tuition

  • 259 Wellness Champions trained to date

  • Registration is limited to a small group of only 20 like-minded physician leaders


  • How to prevent your own burnout when you are in a "straddle position" - seeing patients AND being a physician leader

  • Build your personal burnout prevention strategy and become a wellness mentor and role model to your people

  • How to recognize burnout in your people and reach out to support them effectively

  • Learn how to run much better meetings

  • Learn authentic leadership skills to build a culture of trust and engagement on your teams 

  • Learn how to lead by asking questions and stop having to do all the work yourself

  • Stop working so hard, with effective tools to delegate to and manage team members

  • Learn how to deal effectively with disruptive colleagues

  • Let us show you a simple proactive burnout prevention strategy for your whole organization

  • We will also build an ongoing support community of like-minded leaders so you will never feel like you are alone in the trenches again


CLICK HERE for the Complete Retreat Overview



That's all for now.

If you have any questions, suggestions or would like personal support ...

- Click Here to contact me directly

- OR email us at thehappymd@gmail.com

- OR call us at 206-430-1905

Keep breathing and have a great rest of your day,




Dike Drummond MD



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