After 19 weeks, 24 calls and a total of 745 doctors and other Lightworkers supported on our weekly calls ... we have released the need for weekly get togethers.

If you have reached this page to register for the Lightworker's forum ... here is how we can support you at this time.

If you need immediate support and a second opinion on your situation ...

Our team of Physician Coaches is Here
Your initial Discovery Session is always No Cost, No Obligation and Completely Confidential

If you want to play a role in the Wellness Movement

The Quadruple Aim Physician Leadership Retreat is Here


If you are a Senior Leader in a Healthcare Organization

Our Corporate Services Page is Here


To subscribe to our Newsletter, Use This Link




That's all for now.

If you have any questions or would like immediate support, please use this Contact Form to connect by sending us a quick message. 

Here’s to thriving through this pandemic ... all 13 layers ... yes?

Keep breathing and have a great rest of your day,


Dike Drummond MD