physician-burnout-guided-imagery-body-scan-meditationThe BODY SCAN Guided Meditation

A whole body virtual massage on any day off where you can find just 13 minutes to let go ...

That's what The Body Scan Guided Meditation Experience feels like -- a full body release of the tensions and tightness that build up in a busy practice day.

All you have to do is carve out 13 minutes, sit back and listen to my voice guide you through a toe to head sequence of noticing and releasing ANYTHING that does need to be here right now.

Tension -- tightness -- knots
Anxiety -- frustration -- fatigue

Let it all go

Enter your email in the form below for Instant Access to this MP3 audio file. You can listen now -- or download the file to your computer, tablet or cell phone to use it whenever you wish - just  not while driving please !!


Please use this link to contact me directly 

Keep breathing and have a great rest of your day,



Dike Drummond MD